Global Beef Sustainability Goal: Nature Positive Production

Ensure the beef value chain is a net positive contributor to nature.


The Roundtable’s belief is that sustainable beef production can and should have a net positive impact on nature. In order to achieve this goal, GRSB will work with national roundtables to establish metrics to effectively measure, track, report, and verify progress.

Many producers and farmers are already net positive contributors to nature. GRSB members will finance, source, develop, support, and share practices throughout the entire value chain. These practices are designed to sustain and restore grazing lands, enhance resilience, conserve forests, grasslands and native vegetation, increase biodiversity, and help reverse ecological decline.
GRSB, its members and key stakeholders are prioritizing the work of eliminating illegal deforestation and illegal conversion. Beef farmers and ranchers will have access to greater financing from members within the Roundtable and may receive recognition for their contribution to discontinuation of deforestation.

Scientific developments will play a huge factor across each goal. GRSB and its members encourage investment in research, development, and adoption of science-based land management practices for healthier soil maintenance, additional carbon sequestration, and efficient water use.