Global Goals Working Groups and Councils

The achievement of the GRSB Beef Sustainability Goals will be reached through the active engagement, commitment and expertise of GRSB members. The Working Groups and Councils are led by Chairs who communicate the strategic intent of the GRSB: Increase awareness and impact of the GRSB to internal and external stakeholders, define key metrics and indicators to report improvements in beef sustainability, and advance and communicate the goals and have oversight of any technical working groups and outcome.

Working Groups

Animal Health and Welfare

Co-chairs: Josh White (NCBA), Mandi McLeod (Systems Insight) & Ruaraidh Petre (GRSB)

Facilitate the exchange of knowledge to share best practices, research findings, training and practical approaches to improving cattle welfare under different circumstances around the world. Stimulate discussion on identified gaps in knowledge to support research projects. Define key metrics and indicators for animal welfare and data collection and reporting methods.


Chair: Brenna Grant (Canfax), Samantha Werth (USRSB)

Identify relevant research and research gaps surrounding greenhouse gas emissions related to beef production and work to address calculation approaches in beef carbon foot-printing.

Nature Positive

Co-chairs: Hillary Fenrich (McDonald’s) & Josefina Eisele (GRSB)

Enhance understanding of the conditions under which cattle contribute to land use change. Facilitate engagement and collaboration among diverse value chain stakeholders exploring technical and policy-relevant opportunities and challenges associated with deforestation-free production and sourcing. Support efforts with commitments to deforestation-free production and sourcing.


Communications Council

Chair: Amie Peck (Canadian Cattle Association)

Provide oversight and guidance for publicizing sustainable production practices. Creates public responses and press releases, website and newsletter materials. Communicates GRSB’s activities to the public.