Become a GRSB Member

Becoming a member of GRSB provides you the opportunity to engage with leaders from across the beef value chain and participate in shaping the global dialogue on beef sustainability and contributing to the long-term viability of the beef industry.

Requirements for Membership:

  • Must be a stakeholder of the beef value chain.
  • Support the GRSB vision and mission and agree to work constructively toward improving the sustainability of global beef production.
  • Submit application, and be approved by GRSB Board of Directors.
  • Pay annual dues.

Membership Responsibilities:

  • Participate in annual General Assembly meeting or teleconference.
  • Commit to support the work of the Technical Working Groups including providing expertise when appropriate.
  • Provide leadership in your area of beef production.

Constituency Groups and Associated Tiers

Producer Constituency

Producers, organizations and associations who are actively engaged in the ownership and management of live cattle used to produce beef.

For Producer organizations and associations:

Processing Constituency

Organizations and companies who process live cattle and beef into salable product.

Allied Services and Industries Constituency

Organizations and associations who supply producers with goods and services.

Retail Constituency

Organizations and associations who bring beef and beef-related products to consumers.

Civil Society / Academia Constituency

Academic institutions, non‐government and non‐commercial institutions, foundations and associations with a stake in the beef value chains.

Consulting Member

Individuals or organizations such as regulatory authorities, governmental agencies, consulting and auditing firms and donor organizations, which do not belong to one of the six constituencies, may request membership as Consulting Members.

Become a GRSB Member Today

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