People & Community The Core Principles of Sustainable Beef

Global sustainable beef stakeholders protect and respect human rights, and recognize the critical roles that all participants within the beef value chain play in their community regarding culture, heritage, employment, land rights and health.

This principle and associated criteria are based upon respect for the rights of all human beings, and recognition and respect for their rich and diverse cultural heritage. Compliance with applicable laws is an underlying assumption and expectation, and we recognise there may be areas of inconsistency between these criteria and applicable laws. In the absence of law, or where there is a difference between these laws and these criteria, it is expected that the more stringent of the two will be adhered to.



  • Companies and individuals throughout the beef value chain respect human rights in accordance with the UNGPBHR1 through policies, regulation and due diligence.
  • Business is conducted with integrity, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Businesses throughout the value chain positively engage with and support the local community.
  • A safe and healthy work culture is adopted, supported by training and appropriate equipment to reduce the risks to all in the beef value chain.
    Employment provides for the legal minimum wage (where applicable), and opportunities for career development, where possible, are made available throughout the value chain.
  • The cultural heritage and way of life of all parties are recognized and respected throughout the value chain.
  • Land and property rights are acknowledged and respected throughout the value chain.

1 Human Rights Council. 2011. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework” principles-21-mar-2011.pdf